Main Contact Number:  01280 313166

Initial fundraising for equipment not funded by the NHS to include:

  • £165,000.00 for X-ray machine
  • £8,000.00 for TV sets
  • £40,000.00 minimum for Ultrasound machine

Total £213,000.00 

The target has already been achieved for the x-ray machine, and it is hoped that this will be installed before the end of the year. 

The medical staff operating the community beds where the specific television sets would be installed chose to change the specification and the Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust funded the television sets themselves.  They did give an assurance that these sets would nonetheless be free at the point of use at all times for the intermediate care patients using these community beds.

We believe that there should be adequate money in the pot to cover an ultra-sound machine once all the necessary evaluations have been carried out.

The charity has also been able to respond to other requests for small items of equipment which are helping with the smooth running of all services within the building.

There will be other specialisms which would benefit – or whose arrival would be hastened to the hospital – if there is public funding to contribute towards the NHS provision.

Fundraising will therefore need to continue for the foreseeable future, and we are confident that, as time progresses, all local residents will reap in one way or another the benefits of this wonderful new facility located in Brackley for the benefit of the town and the surrounding villages.


Ways to contribute

Santander Plc. Sort Code 09-02-22.

Account No. 10876497

Account Name Brackley Community Hospital 2020 Trust 

If Gift Aid is available the attached declaration form should be downloaded completed and sent to 

The Treasurer Mr Paul Bennett, 24 Broad Lane, Evenley, Brackley NN13 5SF . 

Cheques should be made payable to the Trust as above and sent to the same address. 

click on image below for form

If you are able to do this the value of your donation is increased by 25%. You will receive an acknowledgement from the Trust and receive details of our GDPR policy which is also available to read on this website. If you are able to make regular payments please amend the form appropriately.”


Other ways to donate 

Scan this QR code and donate through 

Why not set up your own fundraising page with gofundme?

If you are organising your own event and wish to collect sponsors you can use this Sponsorship and Gift Aid declaration form